Friday, December 21, 2012

Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit for our Health

Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit for our Health

This time, we will share information about benefits of dragon fruit for our health. Red dragon fruit is very popular you can make it drinks, juices, and mixed drinks are bad for your family. Red dragon fruit can lower levels of bad cholesterol in our body, the benefits of lycopene on red dragon fruit makes our bodies healthy and avoid diabetes.
Red Dragon Fruit

In addition, our immune system will also increase if you eat a red dragon fruit on a regular basis, because the content of antioxidants in red dragon fruit help boost immune system. If we have a strong immune system, then we can avoid free radicals, free radicals are a major cause of cancer.

Besides the two substances, red dragon fruit also contains vitamins and minerals. Based on the findings of an organization that addresses the benefits of red dragon fruit for our health, they said, research shows red dragon fruit is very good for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxic in the blood.  

Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing the cholesterol content in the blood and lower levels of fat in the body. "Additionally, AL Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D also revealed that the fruit of the cactus honey is quite rich with a variety of substances vitamins and minerals that help increase endurance and beneficial for metabolism in the human body.

Red dragon fruit has a distinctive flavor, and makes the audience more in love with its flavor. Protein content on red dragon fruit can also increase the body's metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health. There are so many nutrients in red dragon fruit.

The Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit

  • Protein increases metabolism and maintain a healthy heart
  • Fiber prevents colon cancer, diabetes and
  • Fiber to diet
  • Carotene maintain eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent disease
  • Calcium to strengthen bones.
  • Vitamin B1 prevent fever entity 
  • Iron as a blood booster
  • Vitamin B2 add taste
  • Vitamin B3 lowers cholesterol
  • Vitamin C increase the slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne.
Besides, red dragon fruit can also smoothen the circulatory system, balance blood sugar, reduce emotional stress, neutralizes toxins in the blood, and the unsaturated fat content in red dragon fruit can also bind to cholesterol and heart healthy.
What do you think? Do you still hesitate to eat a red dragon fruit. Thus the benefits of red dragon fruit for our health.
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