Showing posts with label Fruit Benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fruit Benefits. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

Benefits of Noni for Health

Did you know? There are many benefits of noni for health.  Noni is a medicinal plant that originated from Southeast Asia / Indonesia till Australia, however, this plant can also be found in other areas in the Tropics.
Noni has also been developed by a variety of medical disease medicine, both traditional and modern. You can enjoy it in juice form and in powder form that has undergone processing.


Benefits of Noni for Health

  1. Damnacanthal: able to prevent the growth of cells pre-cancerous. 
  2. Terpenoids: assist in the rejuvenation of the cells, thus increasing the exchange of nutrient-toxin. 
  3. Phytonutrients and selenium: can inhibit free radicals, providing powerful antioxidant protection against free radicals. 
  4. Rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, cleanse the blood, and fat binding. Insoluble fiber ("bulk") is very good for intestinal health. 
  5. Noni contains 17 of 20 amino acids, including all 9 essential amino acids. Amino acids needed by the body, are the building blocks for proteins and essential for body functions. 
  6. Noni contains many essential fatty acids, poly-unsaturated.
There are many health problems that can be overcome by consuming noni,
  • Digestive problems: diarrhea, intestinal worms, nausea, food poisoning.
  • Respiratory problems: congestive cough, dry cough, tuberculosis, cholera, colds, sore throat.
  • Cardiovascular problems: hypertension.
  • Inflammation: arthritis, abscesses, mastitis, gout and other joint inflammatory conditions.
Noni also works to overcome the pain. Noni processed form most consumed one of them is noni seed oil contains linoleic acid which is for wounds, ulcers, abscesses, ring worm, boils, cellulitis, swellings, scalp conditions and injuries, anti-inflammatory, reduces acne, moisture retention. Noni has been used in the treatment of tumors and broken bones, jaundice and other forms of heart disease, asthma and dysentery, hypercholesterolemia, menstrual cramps, gastric ulcers and diabetes.

Noni has not discovered the danger for any medical conditions. Natural products from noni also undiscovered side effects. That's the benefits of noni for
health that already revealed, there are many more benefits that have not been revealed.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Benefits of Soursop for Health

Did you know? Apparently there are many benefits of soursop for health. This delicious fruit is consumed without any additional, you can enjoy this fruit anytime and at any. This fruit has green skin and white rather slimy contents it has good flavor and sweet but also a bit of a sour taste. 

So far, we only know the soursop delicious to drink as juice and did not realize it turns out that the soursop plant has so many benefits for the treatment and offer a variety of positive content for human health, ranging from fruits, leaves, and even trees. Let's discuss the benefits of soursop for health here.


Benefits of Soursop for Health

  • Soursop contains nutrients such as amino acids, acetogenins, Vitamin C, iron, riboflavin, phosphorus, thiamine, calcium, carbohydrates, niacin, and carbohydrates.
  • Soursop leaf is being heralded by many as a natural potent cancer killer. Soursop leaves effectively select a target and kill the bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreas.
  • Riboflavin is present in soursop helps curb migraine. Soursop is rich in iron, is useful in the prevention of anemia.
  • Soursop juice is known to treat liver disorders and also provide relief from inflammation of the urethra.
  • Soursop contains copper, which promotes the absorption of calcium and fosfar, nutrition is very important to prevent osteoporosis and is useful to form strong bones.
  • Soursop fruit is also rich in dietary fiber which serves to facilitate digestion, especially for the treatment of constipation.
  • When we pressed for cuts of meat soursop fruit the efficacy of soursop fruit is obtained accelerate the healing process and also prevent bacterial infections.
  • Soursop is also useful for treating hemorrhoids, treating urinary little bit, bladder pain, treat liver disease.
  • The content of vitamin C can boost the immune soursop us and help keep the skin moist and prevent it from drying out. Also Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that is beneficial to boost immunity and slow down the process of premature aging.
  • The content of vitamin B1 helps accelerate metabolism, blood circulation, prevents nerve damage, and also restore nerve disorders and central nervous edge us.
  • Soursop also help prevent leg cramps because presence of potassium.
  • Moreover, soursop reduce the pain associated with arthritis, joint and back problems, and arthritis.
  • Soursop contains thiamine, a compound that increases energy levels, increase stamina and fitness.
  • Seeds are toxic, and can be used as a natural insecticide. 
 You can enjoy every moment and soursop routinely recommended, so that the health benefits of soursop for health can be achieved to the fullest.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

7 Super Fruit for your Health

Do you like fruit? Eating fruits is one key to a healthy, and should be a daily habit. There are many benefits that we will get if you eat fruits on a regular basis. Nutrients contained in it is needed by the body. However, not all fruit is good for consumption, this time we will review 7 super fruits for health.

7 Super Fruit for Health.

  1. Apples. Apple is a fruit that contains flavonoid. Flavonoids are beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels. Highly recommended eating apples every day for a healthy heart and body. 
  2. Berry. Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries contain anthocyanins are very high. The main function of anthocyanins is to protect cells from a variety of free radicals, reduce blood pressure significantly, sharpen eyesight, suppress the spread of cancer cells, prevents cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. 
  3. Papaya. The content of antioxidants, vitamin E, C and papain in papaya is very good for health. Antioxidants, vitamin E, and C is very good for heart health, and papain beneficial to help reduce inflammation in your body. 
  4. Grapefruit. Grapefruit contains high levels of vitamin C, phytonutrients and lycopene. All three of these substances are very beneficial for health and prevent many diseases. Phytonutrients protect against cancer, such as cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. Lycopene acts lowering the risk of heart disease, suppresses tumor growth. This fruit is one of the orange variant. 
  5. Kiwi. Kiwi contains plenty of vitamin C, you simply eat 2-3 pieces a day to prevent cancer. In addition to preventing cancer, kiwi can also reduce blood clotting, avoid stroke.
  6. Watermelon. Did you know? Watermelon contains high vitamins, lycopene B and amino acids. B vitamins and lycopene function for the production of energy for our bodies. Amino acids serve to maintain heart health and boosting the immune system. 
  7. Bananas. As we know, bananas contain a lot of potassium and fructooligosaccharide. Potassium can lower blood pressure and maintain heart health. Fructooligosaccharide serves to increase your body's ability to absorb various nutrients your body needs, including calcium and help the good bacteria in the digestive tract in digestion of food in your body.
 <img src="" alt="Healthy Fruits, super Fruits, Most Healty Fruits "/>

That's 7 super fruits for health, I hope to inspire you so your health is maintained.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

7 Health Benefits of Oranges for our Body

Do you like to consume oranges? Who does not like consume an orange? It is sweet, cheap and can be found anywhere. but, do you know? Oranges have many health benefits, there are at least 7  health benefits oranges. Perhaps, this time we know only orange contains Vitamin C high, so it is good for health.

It was not till there alone. there are many other benefits in addition to the content of vitamin C in oranges. The content contained in citrus can keep our bodies from harmful disease. Here are 7 health benefits
oranges .

7 Health Benefits of Oranges

  1. Lowering high blood pressure. Hesperidin and magnesium found in oranges can lower high blood pressure, it is recommended to consume grapefruit every day, at least 1 fruit. 
  2. Prevent cancer. D-limonene found in orange is a compound that can prevent cancer, such as skin cancer, breast, lung, mouth and colon. So, if you regularly consume grapefruit, you will be protected from cancer. 
  3. Improve intelligence. Folic acid found in citrus is very good for brain development, so by eating oranges regularly can improve intelligence. 
  4. Boost the immune system. The content of vitamin C in oranges will stimulate the production of white blood cells in our body. Thus, the immune system will be increased so that the body will stronger face germs that enter the body. 
  5. Maintaining healthy skin from damage. Antioxidants are found in orange will make your skin protected from free radicals, so you'll look younger and fresher. 
  6. For those of you who have problems with high cholesterol, then consuming grapefruit is one solution that you can take. This is because, citrus fruit contains Hesperidin and Pectin. both substances are very good for lowering cholesterol levels in your body. 
  7. Reducing inflammation in the joints and stiffness in the muscles.


Once you know the 7 health benefits of orange, then we recommend that you consume an orange every day, though not in large numbers, 1 or 2 oranges every day would be better.

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Friday, January 11, 2013

5 Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomato is a fruit that is often consumed. The fruit is already very familiar with us. You can enjoy the distinctive taste of juice. You are not wrong to make a tomato as one of the favorite fruits. The content of tomatoes is very good for our health. Tomatoes contain vitamins, fiber and antioxidants that can prevent a variety of diseases, health benefit of tomatoes such as reducing the risk of prostate cancer, lose excess weight, improve your immune system, heart health and prevent osteoporosis.

There are still 
many health benefit of tomatoes that we can get by eating tomatoes regularly. You should not include tomato seeds for consumption, because it can cause appendicitis.


5 Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer 

As already mentioned above, eating tomatoes can reduce prostate cancer risk. The antioxidants found in tomatoes can prevent the formation of cancer cells. Cancer cells can not be formed if we regularly eat tomatoes regularly. Lycopene in tomatoes as antioxidants are beneficial for preventing cancer. According to the Journal of the National Cancer in 2007, "lycopene contained in tomatoes helps to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Many linked the regular consumption of tomatoes or tomato products such as sauce from help lower the risk of prostate cancer by 15%. "

Boost Our Immune System

Our bodies need vitamin C for metabolic processes in the body. Adults need about 75 grams / day of vitamin C. in addition, Vitamin C is also beneficial for maintaining the immune system. People who lack vitamin C would be very susceptible to disease, such as ulcers, heartburn, constipation and many more.

According to the Department of Agriculture, U.S., says that one cup of chopped tomatoes have vitamin C as much as 25 grams. So that eating tomatoes can maximize their overall health and immune system.

Heart Disease

As already mentioned above, the tomatoes contain antioxidants that are beneficial to health. Another benefit of antioxidants for the body is to help stop the destruction of tomato that precede the heart arteries of plaque formation, according to the Singapore Medical Journal in 2007.

Controlling Weight Gain

For those of you who are running a diet program to lose weight, then the tomato is a fruit that is very good to eat. Tomatoes contain low calories and high in fiber, so tomatoes can control weight, help maintain appetite.


Lycopene in tomatoes can protect your bones from damage. If you eat tomatoes regularly, then your bones to be protected, and the tomatoes are very well taken by the elderly who are at risk of defects and fractures. 
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Monday, January 7, 2013

10 Bananas Benefits for Health

Bananas have many health benefits. At least there are 10 bananas benefits for health. This fruit contains a lot of nutrients, affordable, anyone can enjoy anytime banana health. You can process them into various types of food. With a sweet flavor, making everyone likes bananas.

Maybe you do not know 10 bananas benefits for health. To get the benefits of bananas, you should eat them before eating or 1 hour after eating. In the previous article, we have described things not to do after eating.

10 bananas benefits for health

Good for Heart Health

The first benefit you will get if you eat bananas on a regular basis is the health of your heart will be maintained and can prevent high blood pressure. Bananas contain high potassium and low sodium. Love your heart by eating a banana every day.

Reduce Stress.

If you are experiencing stress, eating bananas can reduce it, because the content of potassium in bananas helps normalize the heartbeat. In addition, by eating bananas, your brain will get better oxygen and moisture in the body is always maintained due to a combination of the content of the nutrients contained in the bananas.

Energy Sources

Bananas can be a good energy source for body. Energy you get from bananas can be obtained quickly and last longer than sugar or syrup. The content of the three types of sugar on the banana, fructose, glucose, and sucrose is the main ingredient forming energy. Sugar and carbohydrates found in bananas are easy to digest, but not too rapidly released in the blood. Not only that, it turns bananas also contain vitamin B complex for energy generation.

Supports Brain Performance

By eating a banana every day, our brain performance will be better, it's based on the results of studies that have been published in, they concluded that bananas help better brain performance. Based on tests on 200 students in the UK, they can complete the final exam with a good after being asked to familiarize themselves breakfast, lunch, and a snack of bananas.

Prevent Constipation

There are many nutrients in bananas, bananas contain fiber that can maintain regular bowel movements either. Provide a banana on the table every day, even better if you can eat a banana every day. Add vegetables and drink 8 glasses of water to prevent constipation and get the healthy digestion every day.

Reduce Risk of Stroke.

Did you know that eating bananas can lower the risk of stroke? As mentioned above, bananas contain potassium. The content of potassium in bananas serves to reduce the risk of death from stroke. At least, bananas can lower the risk of stroke by about 40%. Bananas are very good for consumption by anyone, including the elderly.

Neutralize Gastric Acid Ulcer Patients

There are many benefits of bananas for digestion. One of the digestive health benefits of bananas, bananas can neutralize stomach acid. If you want to get more out of the banana, add a glass of milk, make it a habit to drink a glass of milk and a banana for breakfast, it is very good for someone who has colic or intestinal disease caused by stomach acid.

Improving Mood

Do you often feel tired for no reason? By eating bananas, you will get a tryptophan or vitamin B6 which plays an important role to produce the hormone serotonin. This hormone can calm the mind and set the mood. It is hoped nobody else had a bad mood, get good mood with regular eating bananas.

Good for Pregnant Women

Folic acid content in bananas is very beneficial for the growth of the fetus. If pregnant women eat bananas every day, then this is very good for the health of the fetus. Folic acid content in bananas will prevent the occurrence of defects in the baby at birth. In addition, bananas also helps the formation of new cells that are needed by the fetus for cell growth is super fast.

Prevent Bone Loss

As mentioned above, bananas contain potassium. Adequate potassium intake helps reduce calcium excretion in the urine. If you eat bananas on a regular basis, the risk of osteoporosis is reduced, because potassium can minimize the loss of calcium from the body, which in turn reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

To get maximum results, you are encouraged to eat bananas regularly every day. That's 10 bananas
benefits for health, may be useful.  
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Friday, December 21, 2012

Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit for our Health

Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit for our Health

This time, we will share information about benefits of dragon fruit for our health. Red dragon fruit is very popular you can make it drinks, juices, and mixed drinks are bad for your family. Red dragon fruit can lower levels of bad cholesterol in our body, the benefits of lycopene on red dragon fruit makes our bodies healthy and avoid diabetes.
Red Dragon Fruit

In addition, our immune system will also increase if you eat a red dragon fruit on a regular basis, because the content of antioxidants in red dragon fruit help boost immune system. If we have a strong immune system, then we can avoid free radicals, free radicals are a major cause of cancer.

Besides the two substances, red dragon fruit also contains vitamins and minerals. Based on the findings of an organization that addresses the benefits of red dragon fruit for our health, they said, research shows red dragon fruit is very good for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxic in the blood.  

Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing the cholesterol content in the blood and lower levels of fat in the body. "Additionally, AL Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D also revealed that the fruit of the cactus honey is quite rich with a variety of substances vitamins and minerals that help increase endurance and beneficial for metabolism in the human body.

Red dragon fruit has a distinctive flavor, and makes the audience more in love with its flavor. Protein content on red dragon fruit can also increase the body's metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health. There are so many nutrients in red dragon fruit.

The Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit

  • Protein increases metabolism and maintain a healthy heart
  • Fiber prevents colon cancer, diabetes and
  • Fiber to diet
  • Carotene maintain eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent disease
  • Calcium to strengthen bones.
  • Vitamin B1 prevent fever entity 
  • Iron as a blood booster
  • Vitamin B2 add taste
  • Vitamin B3 lowers cholesterol
  • Vitamin C increase the slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne.
Besides, red dragon fruit can also smoothen the circulatory system, balance blood sugar, reduce emotional stress, neutralizes toxins in the blood, and the unsaturated fat content in red dragon fruit can also bind to cholesterol and heart healthy.
What do you think? Do you still hesitate to eat a red dragon fruit. Thus the benefits of red dragon fruit for our health.
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