Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dangers of Secondhand Smoke for Infants

Are you a woman who likes to smoking? Do you know the dangers for your baby if you continue to smoking? Smoking during pregnancy can cause serious problems for the fetus, it can even damage the fetus. In addition to the baby, smoking will also cause harm to women.

Dangers of Smoking

Toxins contained in cigarette smoke is very harmful to the fetus, there are at least 700 toxic hazardous substances that exist in cigarette smoke. When you are pregnant, then you will experience body changes, this change makes the mother's condition is very sensitive to poisoning.

Maybe for you it is very difficult to quit smoking. Once you are pregnant, are expected to be able to quit smoking, because your baby will be poisoned while in the womb, there are even toxic substances such as nicotine on the body of the baby if the mother continued smoking during pregnancy.

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Babies get food and nutrients needed by the mother, via the umbilical cord and the circulatory system. Harmful substances such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke enters the mother's blood stream. The mother is channeled directly to the child in her womb. It could possibly be ruminating about why you should stop smoking.

Dangers of Secondhand Smoke for Infants

As already mentioned above, the smoke that enters the mother's body will harm the fetus. Then, what is the impact of secondhand smoke for infants? Here are the adverse effects of smoking on the development of a baby during pregnancy if a pregnant woman smoking a cigarette.

2-3 Weeks

At the age of 2-3 weeks, the fetus is growing normally nervous. If mothers continue to smoke during this age, it will be very harmful to the central nervous system.

4-5 Weeks

At this age, the fetus is growing in the organs in the body, so the heart and blood vessels will be affected by toxins from cigarette smoke. At this time the cardiovascular system begin to form.

5 Weeks - Delivery

If mothers continue to smoke at this age, the mother is likely to spontaneously miscarried, gave birth to a dead baby, and newborn mortality. This stage is very dangerous to the fetus lives, stop smoking immediately. In addition, the risk of sudden infant death syndrome are three times larger.

After Delivery

After delivery, the mother should not smoke because it can lead to SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. In fact, most SIDS occurs in families of smokers. After knowing the dangers of secondhand smoke for infants, the mothers are expected to immediately stop smoking. Cigarette smoke is much more dangerous to infants than mothers. If you do not include smokers, be careful being around people who are smoking.

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