Monday, December 17, 2012

12 Ways to Prevent Diabetes

12 Ways to Prevent Diabetes

This time we will share several ways to prevent diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that is very deadly, there are many people who have become victims of malignant disease. However, not many people know the right way to prevent diabetes. So the treatment is done too late. Before you suffer from this disease, you should stop first.

Stop Diabetes

Diabetes can be prevented, and there are many ways to prevent diabetes. The best way to prevent this is to implement a healthy lifestyle as early as possible. Healthy eating and healthy habits to prevent diabetes is getting worse.

There are several ways to prevent diabetes, there are at least 12 ways that we'll share in this paper. I hope to give benefits to the reader as well.

12 Ways to Prevent Diabetes:

Ovoid Consume Fast Foods  

Fast food can give effects that are not good for your health, but can lead to obesity, fast food when consumed in a long time and in sufficient quantities can also cause diabetes. Avoid eating fast food constantly.

 Avoid Consumption of Meat too often

Based on the results of the study showed that eating meat five times a week can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, especially for women. Should eat meat just once a week or at most two times a week.

Consuming Coffee

Good news for coffee lovers, apparently by eating more than 6 cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes around 29-54%. It is based on research from the Harvard School of Public Health. You do not need to worry too much consumption of coffee, you can continue your hobby is.

Take your Time, Prevent Stress

If you are experiencing burnout due to work or for study, you should take the time to enjoy a relaxing time with friends or family. This is done to prevent stress. If you are experiencing stress then your heart becomes uncontrolled, breathing becomes so uncontrollable blood sugar levels to rise. You should provide a relaxing time to restore calm state of mind.

Get enough sleep

Night you should use for sleeping, based on the results of research from Yale University in 1709 men, found that the risk of diabetes increased 2-fold in men who had slept less than 6 hours. We recommend that if you do not have significant activity after hours 9:00 PM, you go straight to bed.

Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels 

We recommend that those of you who prediabetes, blood sugar checks regularly. It aims to continuously monitor the state of blood sugar, so you can take action to prevent it early.

Lose Weight

Losing weight can reduce the risk of diabetes. In addition to health benefits, your body will look more beautiful. If you lose 5%, then you are 70% lower risk of diabetes, even if you rarely exercise. 

Select the Appropriate Appetizers

Before the heavy meal, should you choose vegetables as appetizers. Based on the findings Arizona State University, taking two tablespoons of vinegar before eating carbohydrates can lower blood sugar levels. If you eat vegetables before eating the main meal, eat your blood sugar levels will be more controlled.

According to Carol Johnston, PhD, "vinegar content of starch digesting enzymes can activate particular, the effect of vinegar is very likely similar to the blood sugar-lowering drug acarbose (Precose), the benefits of the content of acetic acid in vinegar."

Eating Cereal

Eating cereal can nourish our bodies, the best cereal derived from whole grains. In addition to healthful, cereals can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, high blood pressure, and stroke. 

Eating Cinnamon

Cinnamon is very beneficial for lowering blood sugar, according to the results of the study, the blood sugar can drop about 10%. Moreover, cinnamon also has other benefits, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, a blood fat that can lead to the risk of diabetes. Substances in cinnamon may activate enzymes that stimulate insulin receptors.

Expand on Foot

Walking can provide many benefits to our health. However, very few people are willing to walk away, walk away when our bodies will be more fit and healthy. In Finland, people love to exercise, by exercising 4 hours a week, or about 35 minutes a day can lower the risk of diabetes by 80 percent. 


Manikah can lower the risk of diabetes, from a study published in Diabetes Care showed, if the woman does not get married then her risk for diabetes 2.5 times more likely than married women. 
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