Friday, January 4, 2013

A Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Living

A healthy lifestyle i is one way that we can do to make our lives comfortable and at ease. Healthy lifestyle can start early by changing to a healthier diet and regular. Reduce stress, tension, make time for relaxation, and always provide quality time with family.

The simplest thing to start a healthy lifestyle is to pay attention to regular sleep patterns, exercise, in addition you can also do the advice of your health care professional. A balanced diet is the key factor to start a healthy lifestyle.

A Healthy Lifestyle

 Healthy Food Choices

Healthy food is the key to healthy living. Choose foods that contain vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, minerals and protein. Inadequate your daily nutritional needs. You can get these nutrients from vegetables, grains, fruits, meats, dairy, nuts, and seafood. In addition, should you reduce foods high in saturated fat. To set up a healthy diet, you can make a weekly meal menu, or monthly.

A Healthy Level of Activity

In addition to healthy food, healthy activities to support a healthy lifestyle. Busy work sometimes makes us do not have time to exercise, so that our body becomes weak and susceptible to disease.

Our bodies only takes about 30 minutes to do sports like swimming, running, brisk walking, dancing or shooting. By doing this activity, your body will be stronger and endurance increases, thus reducing the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS, if we do exercise for 150 minutes a week, your body will be healthier and increase your chances of living longer.

A healthy Way to Sleep

In addition to those two healthy tip, correct sleep pattern also affects the health of our bodies. You should not use the time to stay up all night. Try to sleep at 09:00 pm, and woke up again at 04.00AM. it would be nice if you are a Muslim to perform the night prayers, because there are many benefits to our health. National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of stretching. Muscle repair and appetite regulation are two important functions when the night to maintain the quality of sleep that is not interrupted.

A healthy Relax

Stress from work sometimes frustrating and lost control. We need time to rest and stretch our muscles back. Take some time off while you fill it with reading a book, drinking tea or relax with loved ones. 

That's some healthy lifestyle you need to do from an early age in order to get the quality of a happy life 
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