Monday, February 10, 2014

Is Malaria can be Cured?

Is Malaria can be Cured?

Yes, God willing malaria can be cured, provided fast and treated with the right medication.

Latest malaria drug artemisinin is from the class. This drug is an extract of the plant Artemesia annua L which has been used by Chinese physicians for thousands of years to treat fever. In Chinese, the plant Artemesia called Qinghao.
Is Malaria can be Cured?

Artemisinin derivatives available in the form of oral medication that is artemisinin, artesunate, artemether and dehydroartemisinin. Also available in injection form that im artemether, artheether im, iv artesunate Type artemisinin, artesunate, and dehydroartemisinin also available in the form of supposutoria (inserted into the sewer).
Currently, artemisinin is mostly given in combination with other malaria drugs such as Chloroquine, mefloquin, amodiaquin, sulfadoxine pyrimethamine, and others. Such preparations are called as Artemisinin-base Combination Therapy (ACT).

Artemisinin is highly effective at killing the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and the type Plasmoidum vivax. After administration, usually a decrease in the number of parasites in the blood and the improvement of the symptoms experienced by patients quickly.

ACT can be obtained only in healthcare facilities such as health centers or hospitals, have not sold freely in pharmacies. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with malaria please immediately contact the nearest health facility.
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Stomach Bloating During Pregnancy

What Causes Flatulence in Pregnant Women?

The reason is because during pregnancy the hormones estrogen and progesterone production increases so that the bowel movements become slow. This resulted in the slow movement of food and gas are longer in the stomach and intestines. This is the cause of bloating.

Stomach Bloating During Pregnancy

In addition to the effects of both hormones on top of, the content of which will be punched in the gut getting bigger and participated in the slow movement of the bowel. In addition to the intestine, the content will also suppress gastric acid so that the liquid longer in the stomach so that gas production is increasing.

 What Flatulence Drug in Pregnant Women?

To relieve symptoms of bloating, may be given medications neutralizing stomach acid and gas formation inhibitor, eg antacids or simethicone.

How Bloating Prevention in Pregnant Women?

Preventive measures include avoiding fatty or greasy foods, cheese, or foods containing alcohol. Also foods that stimulate acid such as fruits or spicy foods. It is also advisable to take vitamin B in order to become more fluent digestive process. Pregnant women are also advised to do light exercise appropriate for gestational age.
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Hypertension and Stroke Relationship

Do you know, what is hypertension and stroke relationship? Many people with hypertension are considered ordinary illnesses. There are even some who are proud that his blood pressure has been 180/110 mmHg but still survive and not feel anything. New no regrets when the stroke has occurred.
Hypertension and Stroke Relationship

 What is the relationship of hypertension and stroke?

High blood pressure in hypertension will provide the load pressure on the blood vessels. When loads exceed the pressure vessel wall durability, then burst the blood vessels.
Vessels that are vulnerable to rupture of cerebral blood vessels. When broken, the blood supply and oxygen to the blood vessels that bleed by the concerned will be suspended. As a result, brain cells will die.

Brain cells is a central arrangement of mind, and movement sensors. If the experience of death, there will be interference organ under its control. This type of disorder depends on the type of brain cell death. Disturbance can be limb paralysis, difficulty speaking, impaired thought processes, to unconsciousness.

How to prevent a stroke due to hypertension?

How to prevent this is to control hypertension. If the blood pressure in the stable range, there is little possibility of a stroke.

How to control hypertension is not to consume foods that contain lots of salt (salted fish, salted eggs, etc), as well as regularly taking medication hypertension. In addition, patients are encouraged to exercise and avoid foods that contain lots of fat such as meat, offal, etc..
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Friday, July 12, 2013

What is Rheumatism? Causes, Treatment and Care

Rheumatism would give pain to the sufferer. The pain is usually felt in every joint, muscle and bone. This disease is also often called gout causing swollen joints, and will it hurt if the increased levels of uric acid in the blood.


Really evening showers as a cause of arthritis?

Causes of Arthritis

In general, arthritis strikes the elderly, but in some cases also attack teen. The pain is usually felt in the joints, muscles, connective tissue or bones caused due to some illness. The following are some diseases that can cause arthritis or joint pain: 

Inflammation Joints

It usually occurs in the morning, the joint will swell and become inflamed and stiff, these cases usually occur in young children and the children. occurred in a period of more than 1 hours. See a doctor if these symptoms occur, so that they will get the right treatment and the right, if they do not get proper treatment, it will worsen joint pain can even lead to disability.


If thinning of the cartilage occurs continuously, it can lead to tremendous joint pain, over time the bones that form the preserved joints are not moving properly and can lead to bone when clashing.


In these cases, usually occurs in older people. This is caused by the body's metabolism and age factors. Osteoporosis is a condition in which the density and reduced bone mass.

Bone is a dynamic organ, which make the process of destruction and renewal periodically. Process called resorption and bone destruction by osteoclast bone cells. While the update process is called bone formation and bone by osteoblast cells.

The process of destruction (resorption) and renewal (formation) takes place in a balanced bone so there is no reduction in bone mass as a normal state. If the process is not balanced, the resorption process more often than the formation process, this led to a deficit in bone mass and lead to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is usually caused by the use of certain drugs.

Rheumatism for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis usually occurs in older people, therefore there are some things that can be done to minimize the occurrence of osteoporosis, such as:

Consumption of calcium in sufficient

Meet the needs of your daily calcium, which is about 1000 mg per day. You can consume milk, dairy derivative products, anchovy, and similar foods.

Avoid lifestyles that heightens the risk of osteoporosis

Avoid unhealthy lifestyle, such as alcohol consumption and smoking

Physical exercise

Perform regular physical exercise, such as walking, swimming and cycling are the most appropriate physical exercise to avoid osteoporosis. The recommended exercises walking is walking faster than usual with his swing. Is there a recommended frequency of walking for 30 minutes / day and be done 5 times a week.

Healing Rheumatic Diseases

If you suffer from arthritis, you definitely felt very miserable. There are several methods that you can do to cure it.

Use of Drugs

First, you can take medicine to treat rheumatism, but you should consult a doctor before taking the drug arthritis. Rheumatic drugs classified as hard drugs, usually can cause stomach upset, kidney and liver. Avoid-the-counter medications, you should consult your doctor for further information.

Physiotherapy and Exercise

The second method aims to strengthen the bones around the joints and reduce pain. You can use the tool when doing physiotherapy and exercise are also necessary for the healing process.
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Benefits of Noni for Health

Did you know? There are many benefits of noni for health.  Noni is a medicinal plant that originated from Southeast Asia / Indonesia till Australia, however, this plant can also be found in other areas in the Tropics.
Noni has also been developed by a variety of medical disease medicine, both traditional and modern. You can enjoy it in juice form and in powder form that has undergone processing.


Benefits of Noni for Health

  1. Damnacanthal: able to prevent the growth of cells pre-cancerous. 
  2. Terpenoids: assist in the rejuvenation of the cells, thus increasing the exchange of nutrient-toxin. 
  3. Phytonutrients and selenium: can inhibit free radicals, providing powerful antioxidant protection against free radicals. 
  4. Rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, cleanse the blood, and fat binding. Insoluble fiber ("bulk") is very good for intestinal health. 
  5. Noni contains 17 of 20 amino acids, including all 9 essential amino acids. Amino acids needed by the body, are the building blocks for proteins and essential for body functions. 
  6. Noni contains many essential fatty acids, poly-unsaturated.
There are many health problems that can be overcome by consuming noni,
  • Digestive problems: diarrhea, intestinal worms, nausea, food poisoning.
  • Respiratory problems: congestive cough, dry cough, tuberculosis, cholera, colds, sore throat.
  • Cardiovascular problems: hypertension.
  • Inflammation: arthritis, abscesses, mastitis, gout and other joint inflammatory conditions.
Noni also works to overcome the pain. Noni processed form most consumed one of them is noni seed oil contains linoleic acid which is for wounds, ulcers, abscesses, ring worm, boils, cellulitis, swellings, scalp conditions and injuries, anti-inflammatory, reduces acne, moisture retention. Noni has been used in the treatment of tumors and broken bones, jaundice and other forms of heart disease, asthma and dysentery, hypercholesterolemia, menstrual cramps, gastric ulcers and diabetes.

Noni has not discovered the danger for any medical conditions. Natural products from noni also undiscovered side effects. That's the benefits of noni for
health that already revealed, there are many more benefits that have not been revealed.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

7 Herbal Weight Loss

Who does not want to get the ideal body weight?. If you want to get the ideal body weight, this time we will share 7 herbal weight loss.

7 Herbal Weight Loss

Green tea (Camellia sinensis)

According to the study in 2005, by consuming green tea for 12 weeks containing 690 grams of catechins may reduce body fat. In addition, green tea also influence thermogenesis (the process that regulates body temperature). If your body fat is reduced, the body weight and the risk of cardiovascular disease will decrease.

Bengle (Zingiberis purpurei rhizome)

The content bengle very beneficial for weight loss, saponins, polyphenols and terpenoids which can inhibit the activity of pancreatic lipase. You can make it into herbal medicine, decoction of rhizome bengle can you eat on a regular basis to shrink the stomach circle, as well as be able to clean the uterus during childbirth.

Dutch Teak (Guazumae folium)

By consuming leaf extract Dutch identity, can launch the digestive system. In the digestive system will form a layer on the mucous membranes in the food accelerate intestinal transit. Furthermore, phytochemicals also inhibit the activity of pancreatic lipase. Lipase inhibitors can prevent weight gain in obese patients.

Grapefruit (Citrus grandis, Citrus maxima)

Grapefruit contains an enzyme that can prevent the addition of calories, contains enzymes contained in grapefruits can absorb and reduce the starch and sugar content in the body. In addition, grapefruit can also prevent cardiovascular diseases, because grapefruit can lower the body's cholesterol levels.


Spirulina contains protein, essential fatty acids, vitamin B, C, E and chlorophyll. very high. Gamma acid content in spirulina help we can regulate blood sugar and suppress appetite. In addition, Spirulina also contains amino acids that create a sense of satiety fenilalin as trigger substances in the brain controlling satiety. Therefore, you should take spirulina before meals.

Cat's Whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus)

By consuming cat's whiskers, you will prevent and treat kidney stones complaint, so the decay of urine is temporary weight loss because the body loses a lot of fluids.

Pomegranate White (Granati fructus cortex)

Benefits of pomegranate peel extract can minimize pores intestinal mucosa, thereby reducing absorption of food. If the pores are smaller, then the body will take the fat reserves so the weight will decrease.

Hopefully with 7 herbal weight loss, you will get the ideal body weight. 
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Overcoming cancer with Taxus Brevifolia

Taxus Brevifolia

Taxus brevifolia is a member Taxaceae, commonly known as the Pacific Yew. This plant comes from Alaska to California, the west coast of North America,. Pacific Yew is a source of food and shelter for many animals in their environment. In the past, the wood has been used to make home appliances, paddle boats and so on.

Taxus Brevifolia

 Anti-Cancer Plants

Do you know the benefits of this plant? These herbs can prevent and cure cancer. Pacific Yew has important benefits in the medical field because of its bark contains compounds that inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors and as an effective chemotherapeutic drugs. This compound is called Taxol. Taxol ability to inhibit the function of "spindle" is generally associated with suppression of microtubule dynamics, but recent studies have shown that suppression of dynamics occurs at concentrations lower than those needed to block mitosis.

National Cancer Institute (NCI) research on Taxol since 1960, based on the penelititan known that Taxol has anti-cancer properties. On May 22, 1964, found that the extract from the bark of the tree is active against KB cell lines. In 1971 proved that Taxol is the compound responsible for the anti-cancer properties.

Breast cancer and ovarian cancer are the two types of advanced refractory cancer substances that can be addressed by Taxol. Therefore new Taxus brevifolia was found to contain the active compound last few decades, there are more potential medical properties that have not been found. Therefore, Pacific Yew is still undergoing clinical trials and further research to further the success of the medical nature that still we do not know. 

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