Friday, July 12, 2013

What is Rheumatism? Causes, Treatment and Care

Rheumatism would give pain to the sufferer. The pain is usually felt in every joint, muscle and bone. This disease is also often called gout causing swollen joints, and will it hurt if the increased levels of uric acid in the blood.


Really evening showers as a cause of arthritis?

Causes of Arthritis

In general, arthritis strikes the elderly, but in some cases also attack teen. The pain is usually felt in the joints, muscles, connective tissue or bones caused due to some illness. The following are some diseases that can cause arthritis or joint pain: 

Inflammation Joints

It usually occurs in the morning, the joint will swell and become inflamed and stiff, these cases usually occur in young children and the children. occurred in a period of more than 1 hours. See a doctor if these symptoms occur, so that they will get the right treatment and the right, if they do not get proper treatment, it will worsen joint pain can even lead to disability.


If thinning of the cartilage occurs continuously, it can lead to tremendous joint pain, over time the bones that form the preserved joints are not moving properly and can lead to bone when clashing.


In these cases, usually occurs in older people. This is caused by the body's metabolism and age factors. Osteoporosis is a condition in which the density and reduced bone mass.

Bone is a dynamic organ, which make the process of destruction and renewal periodically. Process called resorption and bone destruction by osteoclast bone cells. While the update process is called bone formation and bone by osteoblast cells.

The process of destruction (resorption) and renewal (formation) takes place in a balanced bone so there is no reduction in bone mass as a normal state. If the process is not balanced, the resorption process more often than the formation process, this led to a deficit in bone mass and lead to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is usually caused by the use of certain drugs.

Rheumatism for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis usually occurs in older people, therefore there are some things that can be done to minimize the occurrence of osteoporosis, such as:

Consumption of calcium in sufficient

Meet the needs of your daily calcium, which is about 1000 mg per day. You can consume milk, dairy derivative products, anchovy, and similar foods.

Avoid lifestyles that heightens the risk of osteoporosis

Avoid unhealthy lifestyle, such as alcohol consumption and smoking

Physical exercise

Perform regular physical exercise, such as walking, swimming and cycling are the most appropriate physical exercise to avoid osteoporosis. The recommended exercises walking is walking faster than usual with his swing. Is there a recommended frequency of walking for 30 minutes / day and be done 5 times a week.

Healing Rheumatic Diseases

If you suffer from arthritis, you definitely felt very miserable. There are several methods that you can do to cure it.

Use of Drugs

First, you can take medicine to treat rheumatism, but you should consult a doctor before taking the drug arthritis. Rheumatic drugs classified as hard drugs, usually can cause stomach upset, kidney and liver. Avoid-the-counter medications, you should consult your doctor for further information.

Physiotherapy and Exercise

The second method aims to strengthen the bones around the joints and reduce pain. You can use the tool when doing physiotherapy and exercise are also necessary for the healing process.
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