Sunday, January 20, 2013

6 Tips to Delay Senility and Forgetfulness

Senility or Dementia is usually experienced by the elderly. Dementia can not be prevented, but can be slowed. Sometimes not only the elderly who have dementia, adults and even teens often experience premature senility. In fact you may often forget to put things, it is a sign of your memory is very weak. We will share 6 tips to delay senility and forgetfulness.

Rarely trained brain will easily exhausted when faced with a challenge or problem. However, the brain can be trained to deal with it easily without obstacles. When our brains are continuously trained will then have input resolution to more problems. But this time we will not talk more about the brain, we will focus on 6 tips to delay senility and forgetfulness.


6 Tips to Delay Senility and Forgetfulness

  1. Consumption of nourish food for brain. There are a lot of very good food if we eat, such as: blueberries, beets, onions, broccoli and bananas. 
  2. Brain exercise. Brain exercise is very easy to do and can be done anytime. Examples such as: remembering 10 names elementary school friend, 10 names of former U.S. president, 10 favorite song titles, and so on. Try to remember the things that make your brain work. 
  3. Take a break for brain. Make your rest time quality. 
  4. Consumption of enough water. You should drink 6-8 glasses of water per day, water can help the entire body organs work more optimally. 
  5. Create your brain relax after working hard and dizziness. 
  6. Perform brain teasers.

If you do 6 tips to delay senility and forgetfulness properly, then you will have a high memory and slow dementia.
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