Saturday, January 12, 2013

How to Quickly Cure Ulcer Naturally

If your ulcer relapse, surely your stomach will feel incredible pain. The pain usually occurs suddenly, so you need to know how to quickly Cure ulcer Naturally. Why? Because if the ulcer is relapse, we will be hard to move, due to excruciating pain. I too have experienced heartburn, when I was sitting in elementary school, and I was in pain, so need help from others to stand up and buy medicine for me.

Tips on h
ow to quickly cure ulcer  naturally are the right step to treat ulcer completely. So you will not feel pain in stomach suddenly.

How to Quickly Cure Ulcer Naturally

Step 1

For patients with ulcer, you should eat an apple every day. It is advisable to eat although only a piece of apple at breakfast. If this habit you do every day, then you will be healed ulcer.

Step 2

If you are experiencing heartburn, drink organic apple cider vinegar, take ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with water and add honey to the mixture. Organic apple cider vinegar has been recommended by the Earth Clinic and in the book, "Alkalize or Die" made by Dr. Theodore Baroody, so consumed by ulcer patients.

 Step 3 

Neutralize stomach acid by eating 1 or 2 tsp honey, foods high in potassium is helpful in alkalinize the body, said Dr. Baroody. Honey stimulates the digestive juices that help the digestive process. This condition will make digestion more alkaline and acid-producing foods will be neutralized.

Step 4

If you're ulcer relapse, you should immediately take the water and then mix it with half a teaspoon of baking soda. To obtain maximum results, talk to a doctor, it is advisable for people with high blood pressure to be careful to use a dose of baking soda.

Hopefully, how to quickly cure ulcer naturally above can help you, for more details, much better to contact your doctor, this way is just a sharing of knowledge and experience only. 
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